Wednesday of Holy Week - April 5, 2023
Isaiah 50:4-9a Matthew 26:14-25
In today’s readings, we are given stories of two people, one who would stick by the Lord no matter what and one who is willing to betray the Lord for material items. In Isaiah 50:4-9A, he speaks of how he will never rebel against God nor will he betray him; but in Matthew 26:14-25, Judas looks to hand over Jesus to the chief priests for silver. As we near the end of Holy Week and prepare for the Passion of Christ and his Resurrection three days later, it is easy to focus on the material things that we may have given up for Lent. It is easy to want to give up as the long forty days of Lent are coming to an end.
However, as much as we may want to go back to our material things or our other ways of life, today’s readings remind us to aspire to be like Isaiah, not turning our back on Christ. They remind us that what Jesus endured after Judas’s betrayal was horrible, but he did it to give us eternal life. We must appreciate what Jesus did for us, rather than turning our backs on him the way Judas did. As the disciples say, “Surely it is not I, Lord?” and try to discern who would betray Christ, Jesus tells them “woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed. It would be better for that man if he had never been born.” It is better to stick by Jesus’ side in the trying times we face than to turn our backs the way Jesus went through hard times for us. Rather than turn away, we must stay strong in our faith; and when we do, the Lord God will be our help, just like Isaiah says.
Q: Who have I betrayed like Judas did Jesus? Who have I stood by through trying times like Isaiah?
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