Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent - March 29, 2023
Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92, 95 John 8:31-42
This Gospel passage begins with Jesus promising those who already believed
in him that if they “remain in my word… [they] will know the truth and
the truth will set you free.” The believers and would-be disciples seem to
take offense at the suggestion that they are not already “free” because they
are descendants (sons) of Abraham. Jesus explains further, “everyone who
commits sin is a slave to sin.” I think Jesus wants them to accept that we are all
slaves of sin and no person, whatever your religion or background, is immune.
Jesus is challenging those who already believe in him that “belief,” even belief
that is handed down to them for generations, is not enough to set them free
from sin.
I confess that until recently my life was mostly “semi-secular” in belief and
practice. I believed in God, but never understood how sacrificing his Son
Jesus was an act of love so that we may be forgiven for our sins. However,
after my own son Matthew’s passing in 2014, I needed answers and began
attending Mass occasionally with my sister-in-law. Attending Mass led me
to enroll in RCIA in the Fall of 2016 and my Confirmation at Visitation at
Easter 2017.
In today’s Gospel Jesus says to those who claim belief in him, even with the
faith of Abraham, need to remain in his Word or they will never be free from
the slavery of sin. However, his believers are not convinced. He persisted,
reminding them of the plots against him and saying “but now you are trying
to kill me.” I think Jesus said this to convince them that he is the Son of
God the Father. This passage shows me that Jesus truly has endless patience
because he loves all of us.
I believe the good news that Christ has set us free from the power of sin. But
I also believe that for my part, I must continue to pay attention to the Holy
Spirit and my conscience every day.
Q: When have I experienced a feeling of freedom because of my faith?
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