Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent - March 28, 2023
Numbers 21:4-9 John 8:21-30
The first reading from the Book of Numbers takes us to the Israelites, who
amid a long and difficult journey through the desert with no end in sight,
begin to complain and lose faith in Moses and God.
“But with their patience worn out by the journey, the people complained against God
and Moses, ‘Why have you brought us up from Egypt to die in this desert, where there
is no food or water? We are disgusted with this wretched food!’”
Upon reflecting on this reading, I immediately think about my relationship
with God during the “long and difficult journeys” in life. When my life
is going well, it is generally easy to be faithful and practice gratitude for
all God has given me. However, it is during the difficult times, when my
patience is worn thin, that it is easy to lose faith and complain against God,
just as the Israelites did in the desert. It is easy to question God and place
blame on Him for these hardships.
It is during these difficult journeys that I must turn toward God instead of away from Him; to try and use these times (while easier said than done) to strengthen my relationship with God, not weaken it. It is also during these times that I need to have faith that God has a plan for me, and remember that the difficult journeys are all part of God’s plan. God is placing these challenges in front of me to help me grow in my faith; He knows what the future holds in my life and will be beside me along the way.
Q: How can I use difficult journeys in my life to become closer to God?
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