Friday of the Second Week of Lent - March 10, 2023

Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46

Both readings remind us of the ways in which envy can lead us astray. Like Joseph’s brothers we want what others have and wonder why they should be so lucky. Whether it is a parent’s favor, wealth, looks, power and position or athletic prowess, we would all like to have it a bit better. In the case of the tenant farmers they want to keep all of the produce of their labors despite not owning the vineyard. I don’t think most of us would sell our brother into slavery or kill the bill collectors out of jealousy and greed; nonetheless more insidious effects can occur. We may gossip and disparage others and rationalize dishonesty and theft. We all need to learn to be thankful and mindful of the gifts we have while we avoid the temptation of “Keeping up with the Kardashians”, God forbid. Ambition can be a good attribute when tempered by principle but it can easily grow out of control.

The parable of the vineyard also points out the need to listen to God’s messengers. The Vineyard owner sends his word and commands to the farmers who ignore him and kill his emissaries. On one level this speaks to the rejection of Christ as the Savior by many of his own people at the time. However I think it applies to us today and how we ignore God’s call to act. I think in life it is often easy to not listen to our conscience or the pleas of those in need. Our hearts of stone need to be replaced with generosity and concern.

I pray then to be content in my creation by God and the person I am. Beyond that I pray to be more attentive to the needs of others and more open to action on their behalf.

Q: How have I ignored God’s call to be more mindful of the gifts he has given me to help those in need?


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