Wednesday of the First Week of Lent - March 1, 2023
Today’s readings focus on trust and how it is the backbone of faith. To have trust is to have confidence that the path you are on is the right one, the one chosen by God. Without trust there is no faith. Without faith there is no love…and God is Love, so there has to be trust.
The King of Nineveh and his people all had trust in the Lord. They believed and did as was asked of them and lived. Jesus is asking us to believe, from our trust and understanding of His love, that we will survive. Not only will we survive, we will thrive. We will blossom from His word and love.
There is no greater love than that of the Lord and he has the power to forgive. In this forgiveness you are open to feel the unconditional love of God. He is asking us to trust in Him. With this hope you are open to live a life filled with peace, grace, kindness and love. When you trust in God, you are freeing your heart of worry and opening it to the possibility of love that comes with fulfilled relationships, successful dreams, and a prosperous life.
“Let Go and Let God.” This has been a motto of mine for many years. The ability to let go and not carry the weight of my worries has given me the freedom to have a joy filled life. I choose happiness. I do not hold on to the stressors of daily life. I let them go to God and trust in Him.
I am not alone. I do not have to face life alone. Even in life’s hardest moments, the feeling of God being with me, having my back, beside me as I go through life, enables me to move forward everyday. My trust in God frees my heart from hate and opens it up to love and possibility. My trust in God has strengthened my faith and brought me closer to Him, allowing love and faith to guide me.
Q: When has my trust in God’s plan for me been tested? What method of prayer or other attention to my faith helped me overcome my distrust in God?
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