Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent - April 5, 2022
has had it with the Pharisees. They’ve worn him out, the way know-it-all
teenagers can frustrate a father. All along Jesus has been revealing to them
his supernatural identity. He’d shown them who he is by performing miracles
which have gone in one blind eye and out the other. The Pharisees didn’t listen
or comprehend. Maybe they were too busy scrolling on their scrolls. When Jesus
tells them flat out that he’s going away and they can’t follow because they
refuse to believe in him, they joke among themselves and disingenuously ask if
he’s going to commit suicide. (An ironic question to our ears since Jesus’
death will not be self-inflicted but ordained by God.)
didn’t get it. The last straw was “Who are you?” What they meant was “Who do
you think you are?” Jesus tired of sparring with the Pharisees, of playing
their lawyerly game of answering a question with a question, went all
Old-Testament on them, calling himself I AM, all caps, his Father’s
self-designation to Moses at the burning bush. That got the lawyers’ attention.
Jesus poured it on: The One who sent me is true; my message is His message; He
is with me. Jesus ends humbly: “I do nothing on my own… I always do what is
pleasing to Him.” Because of Jesus’ message and his delivery, “many came to
believe in him.”
Q: How do I answer the question, “who are you?” Will I be a follower of Jesus Christ? Will I aspire like a pilgrim on the road to Emmaus to do each day what is pleasing to God?
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