Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent - April 8, 2022
Jeremiah20:10-13 John 10:31-42
In this era of
politicizing everything, it can be difficult to find a comfortable setting
where one can express one’s feelings and not be afraid of being labeled as an
extremist of some sort. In these times of such sharp political divide, one side
or the other fails to recognize the good that either performs. As a result, no
one is provided “grace” and there is little attempt to understand the other’s
thoughts and objectives.
Christ’s goal while He was on this earth was to love and be
an example to us all as to how we live our lives for God the Father; and have
everlasting life. Those who were afraid of what Christ was asking of them, to
give up worldly ways and be children of God, wanted to stone Him for blasphemy
for saying, “I am the Son of God.” They were trying to devalue the miracles He
had performed and thereby deny His impact upon the world. Deeds have always
exceeded words, and Christ proved to be the Son of God by His acts and by His
ultimate sacrifice of dying on the cross for all of our sins.
Those who wielded great power during the time of Christ
could not see beyond their own egos and self-centeredness and were unable to
recognize the goodness of Christ. Unlike
them, we today are expected to do so much better. People today are exposed to
more, know more, and are more capable than any preceding generation. As a
result, we must continually pray for God’s strength and wisdom to see through
and beyond the numerous facades we encounter in our contemporary lives.
Thus, through God’s love, kindness and grace, we should be
open to any discussion in our time about anything in our daily lives. And we
should ever seek God’s guidance for assurance that the ultimate good and truth
will prevail.
Q: Jesus revealed himself as God’s son through his deeds. What image of God do my actions reveal to others?
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