Wednesday of the First Week of Lent - March 9, 2022
I read both readings for today, I realized the themes are repentance and believing in
took Jonah several attempts to believe what God was asking him to do. Through
the reading we see that Jonah was a sign from God to the people of Nineveh when
he announced; "Forty days more and Nineveh shall be destroyed." Upon
hearing Jonah's message the people of Nineveh, which was a gentile city,
repented and were reconciled to God.
I think of repentance, I realize it is not only a word, but an action. The
people of Nineveh did repent by turning from their evil ways. They believed God
would forgive them and withhold his wrath. This helps me think about how
repentance begins with believing God, and trusting God’s Word. When we believe
and trust in God, we have the confidence to repent and transform our lives to
His will.
the gospel, Jesus said, "This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a
sign but no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah." Here we are in a
crowd of people who do not believe. They want a sign by Jesus as proof of his
credentials. Jesus wants his listeners to remember the story of Jonah and the
people of Nineveh. If the people of Nineveh had the wisdom to recognize Jonah
and took action, then surely Jesus' generation should be able to do the same,
since Jesus is greater than Jonah.
makes me think, do I take my faith for granted? Worse, do I feel I am in a
superior and safer position than others not of our faith or denomination? The
fact that I carry the name 'Catholic' is not enough. Baptism and the reception
of the other sacraments is not by themselves a guarantee that I am following
the Will of God. What counts is conversion, repentance and believing in God’s
Q: What changes can I make in my life to truly repent and believe in God’s mercy?
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