Thursday of the First Week of Lent - March 10, 2022

Esther C:12, 14-16, 23-25      Matthew 7:7-12

“A clean heart, create for me, O God; give me back the joy of your salvation.”

A clean heart sounds like something we should all strive to achieve. In my mind, this is different from a clean mind that would require ridding ourselves of stress and anxiety; and different from a clean soul that would involve repentance for sins that we have committed. A clean heart is evidenced by love, which is addressed in today’s Gospel in the form of the Golden Rule: “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.” God’s love for us demands a response on our part in return for that gift of love.

In the quest for a clean heart, I have found myself called to show love in both my thoughts and my actions. As stated in today’s Gospel, “the one who seeks, finds.” Through my involvement with Visitation’s Racial Justice Committee and the recently concluded Faith and Racial Healing Series, I have become acutely aware of the US Catholic Bishops’ “Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love – A Pastoral Letter Against Racism.” This document is a roadmap to a clean heart and the love needed to get there. Our ability to show love through action, to speak up upon hearing a comment motivated by racial prejudice, to support racial justice and inclusion, to have difficult conversations, and to educate ourselves on the history of racism in America, is the way to a clean heart. This Lenten season, I have challenged myself to constantly seek out ways to express love, with the hope and promise of this Gospel that the one who seeks, finds. For me, this starts with a response called for in “Open Wide Our Hearts.”

One of my children asked me the other day as we were listening to the radio why all songs are about love. I explained that love is what everyone is ultimately searching for, but it takes effort.  And how can we ever achieve a clean heart, until all of our actions are rooted in God’s love for all people?

Q:  Read the US Bishop’s letter,“Open Wide Our Hearts?” Learn more about what Visitation parishioners are doing to open wide their hearts at


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