Monday of the Second Week of Lent - March 14, 2022

 Daniel 9:4b-10            Luke 6:36-38

This selection from Luke comes closely after the Golden Rule. Luke starts this passage with “Be merciful just as your Father is merciful.” The Holy Spirit got me again! This is exactly the verse that I need for deep reflection. I also need to put this lesson into practice.

In my daily prayer, I express a constant need for repentance for being critical of others. It’s too easy for me to jump to conclusions; like when I saw that young woman in a dress I deemed too short and too tight. My mind immediately went to snarky thoughts like “is this the look she’s going for?” and “doesn’t she realize this is not attractive?” Stop, Millie! This was none of my business. She deserved kindness, not criticism.

Jesus clearly says, “Stop judging…Stop condemning…Forgive.” Jesus gives me several outs when he says, “…and you will not be judged…and you will not be condemned…and you will be forgiven.” Jesus makes it sound so easy. That’s the complexity of Jesus’s teachings, which seem so simple yet are difficult to carry out especially if I give in to my impulses.

I like to hear what others think about life’s challenges. I visited with a Hindi friend who talked about aiming for Perfection and getting trapped in human frailties. He warned against getting “sucked into idiotic traps” such as criticism. I read a quotation from Sr. Melanie Svoboda, “What are the lessons here? Be slow to label who or what is good or bad. Instead of searching for things in life to boo, join the Band of Believers. They are always on the lookout for good things to cheer for and good things to do.”

Fortunately, I have most of Lent ahead of me to continue my quest for repentance. I have the insight of my Hindi friend, Sister Melanie, and, especially, Jesus to support me in my thoughts and interactions. I can pray for the young woman. I can strive to be less judgmental and more understanding. The Holy Spirit is my constant companion and daily guide.

Q: Of whom have I been especially critical lately? My plan for changing my behavior whenever I catch myself being judgmental will be: (example: pray for their health and happiness, focus on a good quality they have and thank them for it.)


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