Holy Thursday - April 1, 2021

Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 John 13:1-15

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is distributing the bread and wine to his fellow apostles. He is giving His body and blood on this holy day. This made me realize that I have a gift to share with others. Sometimes I can be selfish, and not want to share, or be the total opposite and be too scared. Then I remember that Jesus gave me this gift for a reason.

Q: Think of a gift that you have, and how you can share it for the well-being of others. 

We see Jesus fully aware of what is about to happen, yet remaining calm and trusting in God. Then he goes forth to set an example for his apostles to follow when they need to carry out His work. All God asks is that we trust in him and act accordingly, which should be a goal for all of us to strive for. We are called to set the example of what a Christian should be.

Q: How many times have I not done God’s will when I am scared? How many times have I not set a good example just because something is going on in my life?

Jesus teaches his apostles a lesson that is central to the Catholic faith: to love one another as he has loved us. When he humbles himself to wash the apostles’ feet, he serves them in spite of the fact that he is their leader and teacher. Similarly, God calls us to serve all those around us, no matter who they are. We can do this by being kind to the people who surround us, and by putting others first. We should care for others as Christ did and try to follow his example of compassion.

Q: In my life, whose feet is Jesus calling me to wash? What concrete service is Jesus asking for?


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