Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent - March 15, 2021
“Seek good, not evil so you may live, and the Lord will be with you.”
I entered the teaching career right out of college ready to conquer the world. One of my fifth-grade students, Tommy, was ready to conquer me. He was spunky, smart, street wise and he did NOT like me. After a ninety-minute bus ride each morning he came to school hungry and reluctant to participate. After weeks of trying to win him over, I gave up. Tommy was constantly with me during lunch and recess for his “bad” behavior. I couldn’t figure out what to do with him.
Finally, one day, Tommy asked me what I was like in 5th grade. I told him I was a great student; I sat in my seat, I listened to my teachers and did my work. He replied, “Yeah, you teach like you are.” I then asked him how he thought I should teach. He gave me a whole list of things I needed to change as if he had just been waiting for me to ask! It was a very humbling experience, but I listened to him and we started making those changes. We had the desks raised so they could stand and work, they moved around more, conducted their own science experiments, we played math games to learn concepts and we read outside. Some days were still challenging, but we grew together. Those lunch and recess times with Tommy ultimately ceased due to his “good” behavior.
We need to keep our heart and eyes open for the Lord to rescue us. I believe He sent Tommy to rescue me from forming “bad” teacher habits and to remind me to always look for the “good” in my students as I learn with them.
Q: What “good” will you choose to seek today?
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