Monday of the First Week of Lent – February 22, 2021

1 Peter 5:1-4 Matthew 16:13-19

In our first reading today, my mind goes immediately into song-mode: “Like a shepherd He feeds His flock and gathers the lambs into His arms, holding them carefully close to His heart, leading them home.”

Today Jesus teaches, “tend the flock of God in your midst, overseeing not by constraint but willingly, as God would have not lord it over those assigned to you, but be examples to the flock.” The phrase “be examples to the flock” is a guiding phrase to me as I pray with this reading. This Lenten season is a wonderful time to prepare for the Chief Shepherd to be revealed. This quiet pause is a gift in the hustle and bustle of daily living to gage how we are living spiritually and preparing for his Revelation.

Matthew’s Gospel marries well with the theme of Christ’s revelation through the lens of a shepherd. In today’s Gospel Jesus asks the disciples who the people say that the Son of Man is; and it is Simon who shows blind faith and trust in God to answer without hesitation. Simon’s faithfulness and trust in God enabled Jesus to name him Simon Peter - “upon this rock I will build my Church...I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Simon Peter became Pope Peter - Saint Peter. He is our first Pope - another shepherd who was an example to his flock. On this special feast day, it is a great time to pause and think about the special shepherd that Saint Peter was to his flock - he led by example. He has since become shepherd to so many other shepherds. His chair is a symbol of the trust and authority that God gifted to him to lead our Church.

Q: Today ask yourself, do I lead my flock by my example? Do I look to other shepherds to guide me to be more like Saint Peter? Am I faith-filled enough to TRUST that God will gather ME tenderly, close to his heart even when I cannot see him?


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