First Sunday of Lent – February 21, 2021

Genesis 9:8-15 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:12-15

Isn’t it awesome how our God, our Creator, can use a rainbow to make a covenant (a promise) to us, through Noah’s descendants!? This is my prayer today:

How gracious and generous are you, my God, to give us an earth so beautiful and bountiful, in which to learn to love and worship You! Please give me the wisdom to seek you through my love and care of all creation. My God, where is my trust in You? Teach me the ways, however small, I must love all so that love and trust can grow.

Noah waited patiently, trusting in You during the building of the ark. Teach me patience in these trying times. The rainbow is always there on cue, as is Your love. I see the rainbow and remember, but so easily I forget how You accept me and forgive my failings and continue to trust us as caretakers of Your universe and all its inhabitants.

This has been a very hard year to stay aware of Your promises; and therefore even more important that I listen to Your Word! There it is, on the table next to my chair: the Word of God! Waiting for me, Your creation, to read and learn “how great You are.”

(Why do I not pick up the bible daily as part of my reading time? I know it would bring only good results and maybe some deeper meaning to the thoughts and activities of my sedentary life. I love to read so perhaps my choices need reconsidering. Better give this some serious thought. Time is running out!)

Thank you for my sight so I can see Your reminders of Your love and care for all. I do so little and receive so much! Amen.

Q: What in nature reminds you of God’s love and care for all? 


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