Passion Sunday - April 5
Matthew 21:1-11 Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11 Matthew 26:14-27:66
For this reflection we asked the eighth grade class of Visitation, under the direction of teacher Joan Barnosky, to help partake in a unique assignment…
A note from Joan Barnosky, eighth-grade teacher: The entry into Jerusalem for Jesus was much different from the exit. He entered as a master; he left beaten, spit upon, and carrying a cross for his own death. I asked Visitation’s Class of 2020 to “tweet” about an experience when they: felt on top of
the world, but soon were at the bottom; had lots of friends, but later felt betrayed and alone; were the betrayer or bystander to someone else’s betrayal.
Below are three of those tweets:
“Basketball has always been something I’ve really enjoyed. Last year, I was on the “A” team and had so much fun. When tryouts rolled around this year, I was very excited. I felt really confident, but, to my surprise, I didn’t end up making the team. I was heartbroken and did not know what to do with
myself. I felt like everything in my life was going wrong.” – Grace Reib
“One day in fifth grade at another school, I fell into the muddy snow while playing kickball. Everyone laughed - even my “closest” friends. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to go home. Then, a new kid came over and helped me up. He was the only one who didn’t laugh at me.” – Quinn Busch
“At my old school, calling someone “gay” was the go-to insult. Once while I was sitting with a group of kids, one of my friends joined us. After a few minutes, others at the table began calling my friend “gay” and “stupid.” With tears in his eyes, my friend begged them to stop. His shield of
selfconfidence was no match for their arrows of disrespect. I sat there quietly, watching. Finally, one of the name-callers turned to me and asked my opinion. I felt trapped and didn’t want them to turn on me, so I agreed with them. I felt like a betrayer as the boy ran from the room. I felt sad and upset
with myself. Then, I went and checked on my friend.” – Van Tomasic
Q: Today, reflect on the same questions asked of the eighth-graders. What would you tweet out?
For this reflection we asked the eighth grade class of Visitation, under the direction of teacher Joan Barnosky, to help partake in a unique assignment…
A note from Joan Barnosky, eighth-grade teacher: The entry into Jerusalem for Jesus was much different from the exit. He entered as a master; he left beaten, spit upon, and carrying a cross for his own death. I asked Visitation’s Class of 2020 to “tweet” about an experience when they: felt on top of
the world, but soon were at the bottom; had lots of friends, but later felt betrayed and alone; were the betrayer or bystander to someone else’s betrayal.
Below are three of those tweets:
“Basketball has always been something I’ve really enjoyed. Last year, I was on the “A” team and had so much fun. When tryouts rolled around this year, I was very excited. I felt really confident, but, to my surprise, I didn’t end up making the team. I was heartbroken and did not know what to do with
myself. I felt like everything in my life was going wrong.” – Grace Reib
“One day in fifth grade at another school, I fell into the muddy snow while playing kickball. Everyone laughed - even my “closest” friends. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to go home. Then, a new kid came over and helped me up. He was the only one who didn’t laugh at me.” – Quinn Busch
“At my old school, calling someone “gay” was the go-to insult. Once while I was sitting with a group of kids, one of my friends joined us. After a few minutes, others at the table began calling my friend “gay” and “stupid.” With tears in his eyes, my friend begged them to stop. His shield of
selfconfidence was no match for their arrows of disrespect. I sat there quietly, watching. Finally, one of the name-callers turned to me and asked my opinion. I felt trapped and didn’t want them to turn on me, so I agreed with them. I felt like a betrayer as the boy ran from the room. I felt sad and upset
with myself. Then, I went and checked on my friend.” – Van Tomasic
Q: Today, reflect on the same questions asked of the eighth-graders. What would you tweet out?
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