Monday of Holy Week - April 6

Isaiah 42:1-7 John 12:1-11

“Though war be waged upon me, even then will I trust.” Ps 27:3

As long as I can remember I have had this unwavering trust that things will work out or that things will be taken care of, or it will all be okay. Most of the time I believe this is my faith carrying through (however, other times I fear I am the brunt of a “blond joke”). It is a sense not really felt but simply here. Like the Responsorial Psalm says, “The Lord is my light and my Salvation.” I too trust my path will be lit for me as long as I watch and listen.

During this last week of Lent, as we move closer to celebrating the Triduum, it becomes more important to spend time listening and watching for those subtle signs. My best time to listen and watch is either as I am just beginning to fall asleep or as I am waking up with a clear mind. Both are opportunities to quietly reflect on how my day has been or what my spiritual goals may be. I simply try not to make lists but to be still in mind and body and listen for subtle suggestions on how I can help share my life and be present to those I meet on the journey.

Lazarus’s sister Mary was always identifi ed as the quiet one. I imagine she listened and was probably aware Jesus’s time was near. She anointed his feet and dried them with her hair. She filled the house with fragrance. The cost was not her concern; her focus was on honoring this man who gave her people such hope. Do you think this idea just popped into her head? Or, did she spend quiet time praying for the opportunity to honor Our Lord?

Q: As we go into this week, can we be more conscious of the people in our lives, taking quiet time to see the light, smell the fragrances, hear the suggestions and trust the HOLY SPIRIT?


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