Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent - April 3

Jeremiah 20:10-13 John 10:31-42

“Let me witness the vengeance you take on them...” ( Jeremiah 20:12)

Jeremiah, this isn’t very nice! You are a man of God, desiring not only God’s vengeance on your persecutors, but also asking to witness your enemies’ shame. How could you wish for such a thing?

Jeremiah’s words grate on my sensibilities. They grate on me, not because Jeremiah is a man of God, but because I, whose life has been vastly easier than the badgered prophet’s, I too have such desires. Too often I think about the awful ways some people might be laid low, because in my view they have
hurt others.

Who are these awful people in my life that merit such vengeful thoughts? Rest assured, they are not folks who are out to kill me, or rob me, or kidnap my grandchildren. No, they are friends, acquaintances, family members who don’t behave like I think they should; or hold different political or economic views than I do; or have, intentionally or not, hurt or slighted me in some way. These are relatively minor issues compared to what Jeremiah dealt with. Why then do I fi nd myself hoping to see these folks chastised? I know hoping for vengeance is wrong and self-destructive. I need to go to

As I search for an appropriate penance, I return to Jeremiah’s words. “But the Lord is with me, like a mighty champion…O Lord of hosts, you who test the just, who probe mind and heart… to you I have entrusted my cause.”

Q: With a nod to Jeremiah: How can I redirect my energy from vengeance to championing God’s work? What are the obstacles to my caring more, judging less? How can I more fully entrust my cause to God?


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