Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent - March 18

Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9 Matthew 5:17-19

After reading these scriptures I kept thinking to myself that I will never be great in the kingdom of God. I do tend to only interpret the literal translation of these, so I struggle with this idea that even breaking the least signifi cant commandment would do that. That doesn’t seem to be the same
unconditional love that I believe God has for us. It’s easy for me to tell myself to just treat others as I would want to be treated and that should be enough. But that’s just my way of trying not to think too hard about it and doing my own thing without God’s help.

I’ve always struggled to keep God in my mind at times other than at church and during prayers. I rarely see or think about God during moments of my life until I’m looking back on them. I know that means I make decisions and react to situations without thinking about God first. To be honest, after reading this I had to look up the ten commandments to see how I was doing. I know I don’t actively consider them specifically in my life and I’m not too worried about most of them. However, I know all too often I’ve been greedy in life-- not just wanting what others have but by doing whatever I want and really thinking only about how it affects me.

I read these scriptures over and over and a phrase finally jumped off the page at me. It seemed to speak more directly at me for moving forward on where I struggle. I do believe that for me I’m hopeful to be great in the kingdom of God, but it won’t come from just continuing on the same easygoing path through life and making selfish decisions. Starting right now I need a constant reminder to keep God in my thoughts and actions, reflect more often to see what I may have missed. Above all, I need to be “earnestly on my guard not to forget.”

Q: How do I remember important things in the course of my day? How can I remember that God is with me every hour of every day?


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