First Sunday of Lent - March 1

Genesis 2:7-9 Romans 5:12, 17-19 Matthew 4:1-11

I have always had a problem with the idea that God let Satan take Jesus
to “the top of the mountain” to tempt him; or when God allowed Satan to
tempt “the woman” in the Garden of Eden. When I carefully read these
passages it becomes a little clearer what our Lord is trying to get across to us
folks; but it is still diffi cult to grasp. In reviewing further refl ections by those
who professionally write scripture commentary, it seems to me that what
God may be attempting to get through to me/us is revealed in the verse;
“Away with you, Satan! It is written: The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him
alone shall you serve.”

As a young person, I was told that Eve’s sin - when she ate from the
forbidden tree - was related to sexual misbehavior somehow. As I read the
teachings of the church in the Catechism, I learn from theologians that the
story of the “fi rst sin” is more complicated and that the root of all temptation
actually lies in the capitol sins of pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony,
and laziness.

Q: In what ways has your understanding of sin and its origin changed over the years?
For which of the above capital sins will you seek forgiveness this Lent?


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