Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent - April 6, 2019

The Lenten readings for this week seem to reveal a straightforward theme: Trust in God, and He will protect us. Not only will He protect us but God will take care of our enemies or those who wish to do us harm in God’s own way. 

It is hard for me not to take solace in this message. Not only is God on our side but He’s also ready to avenge anything that is not. I mean, this all sounds great, right?

I did oversimplify the message, however. It takes more than just trusting God. It takes trusting in God and being a just person who follows God’s word. This is how we get God on our team.  “Do me justice O Lord, because I am just”. “A shield before me is God, who saves the upright of heart.” So, not only do we need to trust in God, but we also need to be so need to be a moral person to get the benefits of his protection and justice.

What I find comforting in these scriptures is the fact that if we control what we can control (and that is not much) God will take care of the rest. In a world where so much can seem uncontrollable, I find this to be wonderful news. If we are moral and do what is right, we should not have anything to worry about. God is promising to be a just judge, just as He is expecting us to be just people. God will examine our hearts, every one of us. If He likes what He sees, good luck to your enemies, they are going to need it.

I am certain all of us have been wronged at one point or another and have wondered, “Why is this happening to me?” Who has not said this about some injustice, either large or small? Although the scripture does not discuss why these things happen, it does discuss what to do about it. Stay the course!  Remain ‘upright of heart’ and place your trust in God. Then, should you be wrongly persecuted, just sit back and trust the Lord to dispense justice to all. I think this is great stuff.

Q: What does God’s justice and vengeance look like?  Does God love us only when we are good and moral?


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