Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent - April 1, 2019

We have all heard the term “I’ll believe it when I see it.”  We are all probably guilty of having said it at some point in our lives; I know I am. In today’s gospel, Jesus says, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you do not believe.” Is this statement true?!  Do we not believe unless we see?

In the gospel story, a miracle seeker is put to the test. Jesus asks the man to trust him without seeing anything. The man does as he is told and finds his faith is rewarded…his prayer to Jesus is answered and he becomes a believer. Some of you may think, well, the man SAW so he BELIEVED. However, I think the man always believed and that is why he went to Jesus in the first place. He believed his prayers would be answered, as long as he asked.

About a year and a half ago, my life was drastically changed. I was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer. It was a shock to me and to my family. It was a test of my faith. However, I believe, so I prayed. I believe, so I trusted in God. As always, God showed me His love…..God answered my prayers through guidance, strength, and grace I asked for each night and then received from Him.  God answered me through the many people that supported me, prayed for me, and took care of me.  God answered me through the doctors, nurses and medicine that are keeping me here each day.

Although I have never “SEEN” God, I do BELIEVE in Him and His divinity. Is it because at a young age I was taught/told to believe? Or is it because I have seen the wonders of His love in so many ways? I cannot imagine my life without my faith and I hate to think of the people that do not have a strong belief system to help guide them throughout life. For if you do not believe, then you will never get the chance to see.

So, maybe I have SEEN and that is why I BELIEVE? Or, do I BELIEVE and that is why I SEE?

Q:   Do you believe because you have seen or do you see because you believe?  How has God answered prayers in your life?


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